Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In the Yard - 5/5/2010

Cinco de Mayo! Finally up to present day. What a difference a month and a half makes!

yay, we finally have color!!

the much neglected jerusalem artichoke patch. they don't seem to care whether i weed or not... they just keep coming. 

the back yard, where the useful plants live:

a peek in the cold frame - kale, bok choy, beets, turnips, carrots, collards, chard, and some random herbs

the other raised bed - various salad greens, scallions, radishes, and a lone marigold in the corner

the holding zone, currently holding some bee balm and hollyhocks. but where should i plant them? gotta love buying a plant without a plan...

the garlic patch

baby asparagus in a bed that i have yet to weed this year

the shed, surrounded by rasberries, catmint and honeysuckle

my tiny paw paw tree!!


beans and okra... you just can't see them yet. ;)

miscellaneous annuals i started from seed. i'm not sure what i'll do with them though.

1 comment:

  1. Your house looks beautiful, like a cottage in the shire.
